Otomoto.pl is an unquestionable leader of automotive platforms market. The service is used by almost 8 million internet users per month. OTOMOTO’s strength is its database of several hundred thousand adverts, from cars through motorbikes, agricultural and construction machinery to their parts. We have decided to use this strength and search for inspiration and true stories of cars and their owners precisely among those adverts. This is how the idea for reportages on a series called “Prawdziwe Historie” was born; they will present the unique stories behind the cars and their owners.


When OTOMOTO approached MADOGZ to come up with a new idea for the Prawdziwe Historie series we knew that this time we had to deliver something completely different! As in the last two episodes we focused on classic cars such as Wartburg or Maluch, this time we decided to fulfil the task in a completely different matter.


Each part of Prawdziwe Historie series is based on people’s stories behind their cars which they truly love. During our scouting journey we encoutered a magnificent duo, father and son, joined with a mission, to take part in the Dakar Rally! The father – a well known motocross rider – is supported by his son during his whole sport’s carrer. Together they dream to take part in the world famous race – to fulfil that dream they need to raise funds by selling their beloved car, Toyoyta 4Runner, which became to new hero of our episode!


As said before, Prawdziwe Historie is a mini-documentary series, where real people tell their stories. In this episode we decided to show not only one vehicle, but two! But not in a typical way! The passion for motocross became live in our video because we have shown a real race between the father and son on a desert-like landscape! The bike, the car and loads of dirt! You can’t miss it – watch the whole video on Vimeo or YouTube! See for your own eyes how passion for racing sports joined 2 generations!


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1 800 000 reach

Public Relations:
>570 publications
22 500 000 reach